Friday, September 07, 2007

Angie Loses Her Appetite

Well, Angie and I were having a lovely lunch while being harassed bychildren selling books and newspapers... I've been buying books, bracelets, newspapers (I even had that day's in my purse!!!), and didn't really need another. Well, our little bookseller was so persistent! I eventually told him to go to the couple sitting nearby because I thought that they wanted a book (they were laughing at me... I was laughing atme too). Well, the kid went nutso, called me a liar, told me that he'd kill my mother, my sister, and then me. For good measure, he told me that I was a bad person. I couldn't stop laughing, but Angie was getting upset.

Then he wouldn't leave! He STILL wanted me to buy his newspaper!!!!! When I refused, he told me that he'd seen me molesting little boys the other day... Oh, the irony.

Anyway, I was laughing, but not so much that I couldn't finish my vegetable-and-noodle lunch. Angie had hers wrapped up to go, and theyput her chicken burger and fries in a plastic bag!!! Seriously!

I love this place.

P.S. The Canadian flag by the waterfront is all torn up. Someone should get that fixed!

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