Saturday, May 12, 2007

That's right, baby, I'm updating.

Two weekends ago, Gina, her manfriend-of-the-moment, his friend, and I got together for an outdoor world music concert in Seoul Plaza. It was great! Sun, grass, beer... what more could a girl want?

We went to the ladies' room in a swank hotel nearby... we were astonished! Not only was there TISSUE and SOAP, but heated ergonomic seats, hot water in the sink, and an orchid on the sink. As we were walking back to the red bus, we saw a bunch of power tools hanging with the wheels from a set of rollerblades. It looked like an omen.

We later found that the event was a two week long thing called the Hi-Seoul Festival. One of my moms (yes, I realize how that sounds) gave me a wicked pamphlet for it, so we made some stellar plans for the next weekend (one weekend ago, if you're counting).

Friday night was our first GS25 night, and as Sue and I were walking along the street, drinking our beers, who should pull up in their car next to us to say hi? That's right, the mom who gave me the pamphlet. "Hi Kathryn Teacher!" Being the stellar teacher that I am, I put the beer down from my face (navigating through the obnoxious giant gold ribbon bows that I had tied in my hair) and said "Hi Ryan's Mom!". My best option seemed to introduce Sue, who had TWO beers, so I did. "Sue Teacher, the Head Teacher!"... ah, Ryan's Mom is fantastic.

Anyway, we drank at the GS 25, I played with my water jet car toy, Sue told some Korean men that in her country, men express their appreciation for cute girls by taking their shirts off, and Jen filmed it.

On Saturday, everyone was busy, so I crashed Gina's romantic weekend (again), and we met her manfriend in Seoul, hung out in another park, and found a fabulous telephone that is for foreigners only. Of course, I tried it out, but no one answered. I guess that I really *do* blend in here!

We left the park, crossed the street, and saw a movie being filmed. A Korean woman next to us was shocked and angry that we didn't know the actors, so I took lots of pictures to placate her. THe man in the grey is the famous one. I'm told that they guy in the window is famous too. To tell you the truth, Gina, Jen (who had joined us by this point), and I were enthralled by the fake rain. And no, I don't mean Rain the singer. I mean big hoses in the air. heh. Like hosers. heh. with photos from the same day!

Uh, we went to Yeoido, saw some boats, and the lovebirds ditched us temporarily. Jen bought an awesome peacock kite whose string was not tied to the spool. Jerks!

After we were sitting in our chairs at the film festival, we reunited with Gina, her manfriend, his friend, and 2 coworker chicks. The Manfriend was playing rock, scissor, paper, with some kids, and of course, a Korean man came over for a chat with yours truly. I thought that he was cute from far away because he had chased down some balloons for some kids. Close up, not so cute. Maybe it was his mild mental retardation? He rambled incoherently for a long time in Korean, and I finally offfered to play rock, paper, scissors with him. He declined, obviously because he sensed my gaming prowess. I convinced him when I asked him again. We played six times, and I won every time, because he kept doing the same thing. I took pity on him and stopped.

Eventually, he got up and left, or so I thought. Jen, who was next to me, nudged me and said that he was petting my hair. After a minute, I could FEEL him petting my hair. I held Jen's arm for support, and was extremely creeped out. VERY CREEPY!!!! Normally, I would have thought it was funny, but he was a total creep. After a minute or two, a security man came over and made him stop. Creepy! We left.

After the lighted boat parade and fireworks, I was still creeped out, so I headed back to Jukejon, and the rest of the group (which had expanded to Jill, Erica, and Tessie, plus 2 randoms) went to a DJ festival, where Jen eventually fell and twisted her ankle.

On the bus ride home, I put my hood up and stared out the window, grateful that I had the seat to myself. Briefly. An ajossi sat next to me and started grunting to get my attention. I played sleepy and closed my eyes. He was also creepy... he kept leaning over me and I could hear his lips making a yucky smacky noise, like he was chewing on his saliva. *shudder* . Then he leaned over me again and lifted a piece of my hair up to see my face. SO CREEPY! I could feel his breath on my face. blech. Luckily, a Korean man who I had been eyeing on my way into the bus came over and told him to stop it, and the ajossi changed seats. It was gross. Weirdos don't usually creep me out, but the 2 guys last weekend really did.

Of course, now I think the whole thing was hilarious.


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