Sunday, January 28, 2007

So many things!

About a month ago, I was in a stationary store and saw some small fireworks in the birthday section, and once I started digging, I found a box of giant roman candles! What a perfect suprise gift for Sue's birthday!!!!

Sue says that she loves them, but I am taking it with a grain of salt as she also said that she loved the "Teeny Weeny Bear" sweatshirt that she recieved from the kindi parents: a lavendar-y sweatshirt with a giant applique bear and silver sequins bedazzled across the boobs. Classy.

The more that I saw her in it, the more I liked it, so that goes to show absolutely nothing.

Anyway, last night we went out again for her birthday...Of course there was too much drinking (much like the night before). I ate some yummy Indian food and a friend of a friend of a friend. Mmm.

Sorry for the chronological scatter, but last Thursday, we took the kids snow sledding and had an awesome time! We went to this old old old amusement park which looked like the set from a horror film. The rides were ridiculously unsafe (video link of the craziest ride to come soon), but the sledding hill was great. There were people employed to slow the kids down, and they'd jump in front of the sleds or redirect sleds to prevent crashes. I put some pictures of the rides and the kids here:

Hmmm... I'm not too sure that anyting else has happened recently worth noting. Colleen is back in Korea and drinking (woohoo!)

More later.

1 comment:

twoofus said...

Hurray, you updated!

Also, no word of a lie, I love/love/love the fireworks and you.

You're such a non-quiet riot!!